

CLI stands for Command Line Interface.
This program can be run from the command line.

Web Hook

An API or web service that a 3rd party service calls asynchronously. Used to implement event reactions.
aka Web Callback aka HTTP Push API aka Reverse API
A way for a service to provide other apps with real-time information; Web Hooks deliver data as it happens.

Web Hooks will usually POST to your app.

1) give the Web Hook provider a url to deliver requests to (must be publicly accessible)
2) data will usually be POSTED as JSON (or maybe XMl or form data)

Can be tricky to debug as you usually trigger an event and then wait for the asynchronous response.
Postman is a useful tool for spoofing Web Hooks requests.


RawCap can log localhost traffic in Windows 10.
Logs are saved in PCAP format, which can be viewed in WireShark.

No installation, just run the exe in command prompt.
Ex: RawCap.exe log.pcap
- use "" rather than "localhost"
- Ctrl+C in the RawCap window to save logs and close the program

RawCap will not capture SOAP traffic (at least not in a useful way) - try Fiddler instead.



WireShark is a network sniffer.
WireShark can view PCAP files.


Fiddler is an easy to use network traffic sniffer.
It picks up HTTP and SOAP traffic by default.
It picks up localhost traffic by default.


Desktop tool for creating API requests - useful for testing APIs.


A Team can contain multiple Workspaces.
You can invite Users to join a Team.


A Workspace can store multiple Collections.
A Workspace can be accessed/shared by multiple users.

Changes saved to a shared Workspace will appear in other users' Workspaces very quickly, and automatically.

To switch with Workspace you are using:
- click Workspace drop down at middle-top of screen
- select Personal or Team Workspaces
- select you Workspace

To add users to a Workspace:
- switch to the Workspace
- click "Invite" at middle-top of screen
- invite users


A Collection is an ordered grouping of API calls.

To give users more access to a Collection:
- switch to the Workspace
- hover over the Collection in the left-hand bar > click "..." > click "Manage Roles"
- you can give/remove user access here

Test Suites

Create a Collection of the APIs you want to call, in order.

To connect the output of one request to the input of another:
- Add a Test Script to the first request

var jsonData = JSON.parse(responseBody);
postman.setEnvironmentVariable("nextInput", jsonData.my_field);
- Update the Body of the second request to accept a Postman Environment Variables

    "my_field": "{{nextInput}}"

Click "Runner" (top-left) > select Colletion > select options > click "Run".